Healthspan A.I.

Executive Summary

Personal Healthspan Assistant

Extending HEALTHY Living

Disrupting a Tidal Wave of Misery

People aged 65+ in US by 2060
Current average LIFESPAN
Current average HEALTHSPAN
Years with 1+ chronic conditions

Health and Financial Burden of Aging

of deaths in 50+ non-smokers:
or higher obesity in all 50 states
of health spending by age 55+
of 2024 US healthcare budget:

Seeking Optimum Health – Finding Cardiovascular Risk by Accident

“To attain optimal health, weight, energy and mental clarity, I tried everything – including recording my nutrition and fitness DAILY for 6 years – all to no avail. I studied extensively and consulted with my physician about my genetic predispositions: high blood pressure, high triglycerides and low HDL.

Digging deeper led to a discovery. I pursued my unique aging profile, including my LDL subfractionation chart. If not addressed proactively, these “HI” zones – which were not detected by my overburdened medical system – could cause a life-threatening cardiovascular event!

I’m now taking a Precision Medicine predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory (P4) approach to maximizing my remaining healthy years.” – MH

Major Problem Caused by Lack of Knowledge, Testing and Solutions

Everyone attempts health improvement. Most fail, get frustrated and even quit. At some point, it’s too late!

What if we harness each individual’s effort and help them make tangible progress towards highly-personalized health goals?

AHA Moment: Aging Reimagined

Let’s reimagine aging! A well-designed A.I. engine and mobile app can help proactively identify age-related health issues, so they won’t devolve into chronic diseases and, on average, 11.4 years of misery in late stages of life.

Combining validated medicine and science with Generative AI in one comprehensive and personalized mobile app will power our mission: Extending HEALTHY Living!

Aging A.I. Assistant

Your personal Healthspan A.I. assistant will measure the difference between your biological age and chronological age. It would track your genetics, blood biomarkers, functional capabilities, organ imaging, gut microbiome, plus sleep and wearables data. The mobile app would provide actionable solutions based on your biology, goals, preferences, and progress.

Healthspan A.I. Platform and Mobile App

P4 Model Integration:

Healthspan A.I. integrates the Precision Medicine P4 Model — Predictive, Preventive, Personalized, and Participatory — as its foundation. This approach ensures that each longevity solution is finely tuned to individual needs, predicting health trends, preventing future challenges, and actively involving users in their health journey.

Tailored Recommendations:

Employing a state-of-the-art AI recommendation engine, Healthspan A.I. compiles data from numerous sources to customize individual longevity plans. The prognostic measures, indicators and algorithms ensure timely, relevant, and highly-personalized health suggestions, while optimizing each user’s unique trajectory.

Behavioral Motivation Tools:

With a team rich in behavioral science expertise, Healthspan A.I. focuses on crafting solutions that are not only effective, but also engaging and rewarding from the outset. This strategy aims to nurture long-term user engagement, commitment and enjoyment during their health journey.

Comprehensive Multi-omics Approach:

Utilizing a diverse array of data sources, including Genomics, Aging Biomarkers, Biometrics, Cellular Analysis, and inputs from wearable technology, Healthspan A.I. offers a 360-degree perspective on an individual’s aging profile. This comprehensive approach enables a deeper understanding and more accurate longevity recommendations.

A.I. and Longevity:  Incredible Potential

Generative A.I. has incredible potential to advance Longevity! Based on global collaboration relationships, the Scientific Presentation describes the validation of the following Healthspan A.I. pillars:

    • Epigenetics
    • Aging Biomarkers
    • Genetics and Nutrigenomics
    • Gut Microbiome and Metabolites
    • Sleep and Wearables Data
    • Personalization and Behavioral Tools

The Technology Presentation provides additional information about the Healthspan A.I. data science engine, technology stack and mobile app.

Investment Opportunity

Timely investment in an innovative HealthTech solution like Healthspan A.I. has potential for substantial returns. The following elements have been meticulously planned:

  • Strategically-phased fundraising
  • Scalable go-to-market strategy
  • Innovative A.I. scalability
  • Exceptional product experience
  • Defensibility and market leadership
  • Highly-experienced team

The Financial Presentation provides details.


Mehran Hamidi


Anusha Khan, M.D.


Nasim Bararpour Ph.D.

Director of R&D

Greg Eoyang


Global Digital Health Market – according to Acumen Research and Consulting

Email us for a brief investment presentation and to request complimentary Longevity testing (limited availability)