Deregulated Nutrient-sensing
Deregulated nutrient-sensing as a hallmark of aging can be compared to a thermostat in your home that starts to malfunction as it gets older.
In our bodies, we have systems that monitor the nutrients (like food and energy) we take in and use them to keep our cells functioning properly. This monitoring is similar to a thermostat maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home.
However, as we age, these nutrient-sensing systems can become less precise or “deregulated.” It’s like the thermostat in your house no longer accurately controls the temperature, leading to fluctuations that make you uncomfortable. In our bodies, this deregulation can result in imbalances in how we process and use nutrients, potentially contributing to age-related health issues like metabolic problems or obesity.
So, deregulated nutrient-sensing means that our body’s ability to manage and respond to the nutrients we consume becomes less reliable as we age, which can impact our overall well-being.